For Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
who wish to Transform their Personal Luck for the better
How To
“Succeed in Your Career and Your Life in Less than 6 Months
using this Proven IChing YinYang Fengshui (易经阴阳风水) Principles”
~ No superstitious and religious beliefs ~
~ No expensive ornaments ~
~ Free Floor Plan audits ~
Maybe you have been through these life experiences:
For ladies:
• Unable to have a fulfilling relationship
• Unable to find your soulmate
• Unable to achieve your financial goals
• Unable to sleep well
• Unexplained emotional volatility
• Unending sense of boredom, depressed
For men:
• Unable to have a fulfilling relationship
• Unable to find your soulmate
• Unable to achieve your financial goals
• Burdened with eternal debts
• Sustaining unprofitable investments
• Poor relationships with your partners/ subordinates/ bosses
• Burdened with poor health
• Frustration and Irritability with work, family or self
Do You Want To…
• Improve and enhance your wealth luck
• Improve your peach blossom luck (if you are single)
• Receive the support of influential ‘Noblemen’ for professional successes
• Deliver reasonable growth in your various investments
• Improve relationships with your family
• Enhance children’s academic pursuits
• Improve your mental, emotional and physical health
If so, would you be interested to uncover the likely source of your Wealth/ Health/ Relationship Issues?
The likely source of issues in your life is probably driven by the poor Fengshui Qi you have been exposed to in your current residential home.
Poor Fengshui Qi literally means Inauspicious home due to its existing internal setup/ structures and especially external Fengshui Malevolent Qi.
Poor Fengshui properties means poor occupants’ overall luck.
Have you heard that the quality of one’s birthday details correlates to the Fengshui quality of the home he or she stays in? Some called it the “Law of Attraction”.
But do you know that poor Fengshui properties can be Remedied and Positive/ Auspicious Energy Enhanced (inexpensively)?
Yes! Absolutely Correct!
You can start this self-realization first by looking at your current home’s floor plan!
What do I mean?
You might have been tormented with poor general luck due to the ‘missing sector(s)’ in the house you are staying now.
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These are known as ‘missing sectors’ in Fengshui observations. People staying in this type of houses are greatly disadvantaged from receiving Auspicious Energy from the environment as a ‘missing sector’ is unable to ‘harness and distribute’ the Auspicious Qi for its occupants.
However, some may say, you are less likely to be distressed if you are staying in a ‘squarish’ house floor plan.
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Oh great! My house does have a squarish house floor plan!
But… How come I am still experiencing poor wealth luck?
How come I am still single despite numerous endeavours?
How come I am still struggling?
Is it because of my Inauspicious mobile numbers? 😅 (maybe)
Well, the short answer to the above is that your kitchen/ toilets are likely to be located in the Inauspicious sectors in your home.
The Important Differences between an Auspicious and Inauspicious Fengshui property for its residents are:
- Clear and Alert Frame of Mind and Positive Behaviours
- Smart and Shrewd Decision-making Outcomes
- Good Overall Mental and Physical Health
- Attracting Benefactors and Opportunities
- Attracting Prosperity
In short, altering your Fengshui for the better and Fengshui will transform your life for the better!
Who is Marrco Lee?⬅️ Please Click
* Numerous Awards earned from years of helping many people to owning Auspicious FengShui Residential Properties.
What is FengShui based on IChing (易经阴阳风水)?
The IChing (易经阴阳风水) a.k.a. ‘Book of Changes’ is an ancient Chinese classic document, considered to be one of the works that best represents the essence of traditional Chinese culture. The FengShui theory contained in the ‘Book of Changes’ mainly includes “Three Talents”, “Five Elements” and “Bagua”. These are basic concepts of ancient Chinese philosophy.
Three Talents (三才): Refers to the relationship between Heaven, Earth and Man, emphasizing the Harmonious coexistence of Man and Nature.
Five Elements (五行): Including the five elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth and their mutual production and countering relationships, which forms the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Astrology.
Bagua (八卦): It is a symbolic system composed of Eight Basic Symbols, which represents the different states and development trends of everything in the Universe.
In real life, IChing FengShui knowledge is not only used in home renovations such as house orientation, space layouts, colour selections and furniture placements. It is also considered to be an effective way to improve the quality of life and ushering in good luck. For example, the location of the kitchen and toilets are keys to the occupants’ Personal Luck cycles. Favourable locations of these 2 key areas will basically enhance the overall luck of the household members. Otherwise, the house’s FengShui is Inauspicious.
In short, poor house FengShui could mean unlucky occupants. Good house FengShui would mean lucky residents.
FAQ on Effective IChing FengShui (易经阴阳风水)
Q: Does FengShui knowledge involves any religious practice or superstitious beliefs?
A: No, FengShui is all about harmonizing the Chinese 5 Elements (五行) both within and outside of the property.
Q: Do the owners need to do substantial renovation makeover for the Inauspicious sectors within the house?
A: Unless you have been experiencing poor Personal Luck cycles, it would be imperative to remedy these inadequacies as soon as possible.
Q: Do I need to buy pricy FengShui items to stimulate Good FengShui Qi?
A: It is not necessary because expensive items is never equal to effective FengShui solutions. For example, a simple colour TV located at the right sector would bring about Favourable FengShui Qi (气) in the household. It was never about the price of the TV. It was all about the location of the TV.
Q: Do I need to review my property FengShui and change every year?
A: Yes and No. If the external environment of the house remains static, no changes are required. However, if there are changes in the form of new constructions like new MRT lines, new or demolished buildings, etc, your house’s FengShui would have been affected either favourably or otherwise, because the external environment has greater ‘Energy Qi/ 能量’ that could impact your home.
Q: Can I only engage for a ‘One-off’ FengShui Consultation Service?
A: This is a common question I have always received. The onus is on you. I have repeated happy clients because of their good outcomes/ results from our consultation services. This is also not because of our very affordable fees but also because of our proven track records.
Q: Will I strike 4D after the implementation of the FengShui solutions?
A: I do have clients’ feedbacks on attaining windfall luck. But I have also added an in-principle rule that Favourable Personal Luck is all about cultivating the correct FengShui Energy (能量) and actions to bring about Positive Outcomes. Nothing will happen if the occupants are inertia or are daydreaming.
Your House Fengshui is First determined by the Quality of your House Floor Plan.
• Do you have a copy of your house’s floor plan?
• Do you wish to know what and where these Inauspicious sectors are in your home?
• Do you wish to know where is/ are your wealth/ peach blossom sectors?